I looked up Flamenco in the early nineties with a lot of passion. Last night, flamenco dancer Romina Toroz performed her powerful flamenco dance at Café Duende Amsterdam, accompanied by cantaores Yota Baron and guitarist Yorgos Valiris. They studied together at the Flamenco Dance School in Spain and are of Greek origin.

Even though flamenco is traditionally regarded as part of the general Spanish culture, flamenco originated during the second half of the 19th century. It originated in an area that roughly coincided with the region of Andalusia. Over time, in which all Spanish regions are ultimately part of the development. Flamenco is an important factor in the history of the Iberian Peninsula, formed over the centuries from a deeply influential interplay between Iberian, Phoenician, Celtic, Gothic, Byzantine, Islamic (Moorish), Sephardic, Catholic Christian, and (since 1415) gypsy cultures found in Andalusia. In this complex set of cultures that influence each other, the native (Andalusian).It’s possible that the direct origins of flamenco were not discovered until the mid-20th century, as there were numerous Spaniards who studied and created flamenco art, without any notable exceptions.